Ovid’s magnum opus “Metamorphoses” borrows the myth of the Ages of Man, the stages of human existence on the Earth, from Hesiod’s Works and Days, in which the degradation of the human condition over time is indicated symbolically with metals of successively decreasing value. The Golden Age is a place and time when, because nature and reason were harmoniously aligned, men were naturally good. In the present Iron age humans are warlike, greedy and impious, brother fights with brother and the social contract between guest and host, the well known and vital sense of xenia is forgotten. Hospitality, generosity and courtesy are ideals, golden glimpses, of a generation that still values the good and noble. A poetic excitation on functional ceramic ware sets the ground for a big gathering around food and drink, creates a safe space in which there is always room on the table for everyone. My collection is named after the Virgin goddess of innocence and purity, symbol of justice, Astraea who according to the legend will one day come back to Earth, bringing with her the return of the utopian Golden Age.




Entoptic Patterns - Royal College of Art Y1